Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hannah's Prayer

Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us, GUYS.  For our today's "daily bread":

THE GOOD NEWS (12 January 2016)

"And this is the song of Hannah,

My heart exults in YAHWEH,
I feel strong in my GOD.
I rejoice and laugh at my enemies
for YOU came with power to save me.

YAHWEH alone is holy, no one is like YOU;
there is no Rock like our GOD.
Speak proudly no more;
no more arrogance on your lips,
for YAHWEH is an all-knowing GOD,
HE it is who weighs the deeds of all.

The bow of the mighty is broken
but the weak are girded with strength.
The well-fed must labor for bread
but the hungry need work no more.
The childless wife has borne seven children,
but the proud mother is left alone.

YAHWEH is LORD of life and death;
HE brings down to the grave and raises up.
YAHWEH makes poor and makes rich,
HE brings low and HE exalts.
HE lifts up the lowly from the dust,
and raises the poor from the ash heap;
they will be called to the company of princes, 
and inherit a seat of honor.

The earth to its pillars belongs to YAHWEH
and on them HE has set the world."
- 1 Samuel 2:1-8

Hannah Praying

(In her thanksgiving song, Hannah makes herself the spokesperson of all the despised people of the world.

YAHWEH is the GOD who saves the abandoned.  HE rejects those who put their trust in their arm and in their bow, in the food assured for their household, i.e., in themselves and their possessions.  HE manifests HIS glory in shifting the differences existing between people (as in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Luke16:25).  YAHWEH brings down to the grave and raises up.  The song of Hannah has a prophetic vision.  Like Hannah, we ought to be proud of our GOD, even more than in the material progress of our society which blesses the rich and the powerful.)

The Rich Man And Lazarus

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