Sunday, September 27, 2015

4th Sunday, September 2015

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us; and, it's just 89 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Today's first-thing-first:
THE GOOD NEWS (27 September 2015)
          1st Reading  :  Numbers 11:25-29
          Psalm           :  Psalm 19:8-14
          2nd Reading :  James 5:1-6
          Gospel         :  Mark 9:38-48
"The LORD, sun of justice." - Psalm 19

(The splendor of heaven gives us a glimpse of the glory of GOD.  We are also aware of HIS presence when we meditate on HIS commandments which are light and joy for the soul.
The order in the vault of the sky is like a symphony.  Do we know how to listen to it?  Do we join other creatures in praising GOD our Creator?  Do we perceive also the melody of the Gospel message?  The Law of the LORD is more precious than gold, and sweeter than honey, it speaks to us of GOD and invites us to submit ourselves totally to HIM.)

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