Monday, August 24, 2015

The Word Became A Human

Hi! and good beginning of the weekdays, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" today is also the beginning of everything:
THE GOOD NEWS (24 August 2015)
"In the beginning was the Word.  And the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD; HE was in the beginning with GOD.

All things were made through HIM and without HIM nothing came to be.  Whatever  has come to be, found life in HIM,  life which for humans was also light.  Light that shines in the dark:  light that darkness could not overcome." - John 1:1-5

(In the beginning was the Word.  The real beginning is not the creation of the universe.  For this beginning of time, space, matter, existence explains nothing yet demands an explanation.  The real beginning is beyond time.  John does not say that at this beginning "GOD was" because we know it.  He speaks of the Word.  We keep this traditional term word, although the term word that John uses says more than "word".  It is both "thought" and "word", which is the word expressing what one carries in oneself.  We ought perhaps translate with:  The "Expression" of GOD.  To speak of this Word, or Expression of the FATHER, or to speak of HIS Son, is the same thing.  In other pages HE will be called Splendor and Image of the FATHER.  The SON is not part of the FATHER, or another GOD since HE has nothing that is of HIMSELF but all which is the FATHER's is also HIS.) 

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