Friday, February 28, 2025

JESUS Speaks About Divorce

"Some Pharisees approached HIM.  They wanted to test HIM and asked, 'Is a man allowed to divorce his wife for any reason he wants?'
JESUS replied, 'Have you not read, that, in the beginning, the Creator made them male and female?  And the Creator said: Therefore, a man shall leave father and mother, and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one body.  So, they are no longer two, but one body.  Let no one separate what GOD has joined.'
They asked HIM, 'Then why did Moses command us to write a bill of dismissal in order to divorce?'  JESUS replied, 'Moses knew the hardness of your hearts, so he allowed you to divorce your wives; but it was not so in the beginning.  Therefore, I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, unless it be of immorality, and married another, commits adultery.'
The disciples said, 'If that is the condition of a married man, it is better not to marry.'  JESUS said to them, 'Not everybody can accept what you have just said, but only those who have received this gift.  There are eunuchs born so, from their mother's womb.  Some have been made that way by others.  But there are some who have given up the possibility of marriage, for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.  Let the one who can accept it, accept it.'" - Matthew 19:3-12
(Every human society has had its laws on marriage, and it was the same for Israel.  There was then a law on divorce, in harmony with the difference of status accorded by society to man and woman; it was in Scripture [Deuteronomy 24:1].  JESUS does not want to be involved in the discussions of teachers and interpreters of the law: HE opposes this law with another word of Scripture which presents GOD's point of view regarding human attitudes which HE tolerates.

In doing this JESUS shows how HE brings the Law to "perfection" [5:17], but clearly this "Law of GOD" can only be heard by those who have received the Spirit from JESUS, a fact that is emphasized in the reaction of the disciples.

Better not to marry.  JESUS does not apologize for these demanding words.  HE only proposes something more difficult to understand.  HE praises those to whom have been given to choose celibacy as a way of life for love of the kingdom.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Do Not Rely On Wealth

"Do not rely on your wealth.  Do not say, 'I am self-sufficient.'  Do not let yourself be carried away by greed and violence; they would make you their slave.
Do not say, 'Who can stop me?'  For the LORD has power to punish you.  Do not say, 'I have sinned and nothing has happened!'  For the LORD bides HIS time.
Do not be so sure of pardon when you are heaping sin upon sin.  Do not say, 'HIS compassion is great!  HE will forgive the vast number of my sins!'  For with HIM mercy but also anger; HIS fury will be poured out on sinners.
Do not delay your return to the LORD, do not put it off from day to day.  For suddenly the anger of the LORD will blaze forth and you will perish on the day of reckoning.
Do not rely on riches wrongfully acquired for they will be of no use to you on the day of wrath." - Sirach 5:1-8  
(At times, some Christians take advantage of GOD's infinite mercy to continue with their evil behavior.)


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Separate Churches

"John said to HIM, 'Master, we saw someone who drove out demons by calling upon YOUR name, and we tried to forbid him because he does not belong to our group.'  JESUS answered, 'Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in MY name can soon after speak evil of ME.  For whoever is not against us is for us." - Mark 9:38-40 
(While JESUS prepares HIS apostles, whom HE wants to leave in charge of HIS Church, others preach the Gospel and expel demons.  In the same way nowadays, outside the Catholic Church, the Church of the apostles, others of diverse Christian denominations do apostolic work.

This evangelization outside the Church, at times against the Church, offers a challenge.  If others evangelize, it is perhaps because the Church does not reach a great number of people.  GOD wants others to do what we do not.  The proliferation of separate churches is for the Catholic Church a call to reform.

For the Church finds itself paralyzed for want of a true spirit of poverty and because of its massive structures which no longer allow simple people to find there the fresh life-giving air of the Gospel.

In addition, a missionary sense is often completely absent: too many Catholics are not ready to leave their own practices and little groups, with the end result that the Church is seemingly absent in a great number of places, especially in the urban masses and among immigrants.

With that how can we condemn those who by their missionary action allow a great number of people to meet JESUS CHRIST in fervent and welcoming communities, even if everything there is not authentic?

In saying this we do not forget the many riches of Christian tradition which have often been lost by those who left the Church, especially the certitude that everything human must be redeemed and saved, and the joyful and humble way of believing and doing the will of the FATHER of which Mary is the finest symbol.

Several things seem to us out of place in these churches: the miracle used as an instrument of propaganda, the pressures on the sick, the threatening with punishments from GOD...  Many enclose themselves in their cults, far from the "world," making ecumenism impossible, that is the dialogue and common seeking with other Christians.

There is, however, no room for envy or hatred: who can harm us if we do the work of GOD?)

Monday, February 24, 2025

Fear GOD In Time Of Trials

"My son, if you have decided to serve the LORD, prepare yourself for trials.  Keep your heart upright and remain resolute; do not be upset in the time of adversity.
Hold fast to the LORD, do not separate yourself from HIM so that you may be successful to the end of your days.  Accept all that happens to you, be patient when you are humbled, for as gold is tested in the fire, so those acceptable to GOD are tested in the crucible of humiliation.  Have confidence in HIM and HE will take care of you; follow the right path and hope in HIM.
You who fear the LORD, wait for HIS mercy and do not turn away lest you fall.  You who fear the LORD, trust in HIM and you will not lose your reward.  You who fear the LORD, hope for all good things; hope for eternal joy and mercy.
Remember what happened to your ancestors.  Who has ever trusted in the LORD and been confounded?  Who has persevered in fear of the LORD and been abandoned?  Who has called upon HIM and not been heard?
For the LORD is compassion and loving-kindness; HE forgives our sins and saves us in time of distress." - Sirach 2:1-11  
(Those who want to serve GOD must be ready to face trials and contradictions.  Authentic trust in GOD is demonstrated when things do not turn out well.  along with faith and perseverance, trust is the basic quality of the believer.)


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wisdom Comes From GOD

"All wisdom comes from the LORD and endures with HIM forever.
The grains of sand, the drops of rain and the days of eternity, who can count them?
The height of heaven, the extent of the earth and the depths of the abyss, who can measure them?
Wisdom was created before all things and the prudent intellect before the beginning of time.
To whom was the source of Wisdom revealed?  Who has known her secret designs?
One alone is wise and greatly to be feared.  The One who is seated upon HIS throne.
The LORD HIMSELF created Wisdom.  HE looked on her and knew her value.  HE poured her out over all HIS works, upon all mortal beings, in accordance with HIS goodness.  HE lavished her on those who love HIM." - Sirach 1:1-10 
(In this poem, the author professes his faith.  To those who think they are more modern because they seek human wisdom and doctrine, he simply declares that true wisdom consists in trusting GOD and fearing HIM.)


Do Not Oppose Evil With Evil

"You have heard, that it was said: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  But I tell you this: do not oppose evil with evil; if someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn and offer the other.  If someone sues you in the court for your shirt, give him your coat as well.  If someone forces you to go one mile, go two miles with him.  Give when asked, and do not turn your back on anyone who wants to borrow from you." - Matthew 5:38-42  
(An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  We read this in the Scriptures because in the world of that time it was a wholesome maxim [Deuteronomy 19:18-21].  It claimed to put a limit to the thirst for vengeance and reminded judges and the community itself of the duty to defend its members against those who abuse the weak.

Do not oppose evil with evil.  JESUS asks us to approach an adversary in the same way as this adversary may be approaching us: who is the wicked one?

Offer the other cheek: be the first to be free of the web of violence.  As in judo, surprise the other by making the very move he was not expecting: he may then see that he was mistaken.  JESUS has no doubt that this renunciation of violence and of our own interests obliges the FATHER to intervene and come to our aid.  Do not forget that JESUS wants us to "see GOD" at work in our lives.

If someone forces you to go one mile.  JESUS speaks to farmers who are humiliated and oppressed by foreign armies.  Many times, they are obliged to carry the burden of the soldiers.  Their usual reaction is resigned submission concealing hatred and desire for revenge.  Would they be capable of responding to such a counsel?  It is certain that had they practiced it, they might have saved their nation from destruction.)  

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Peter's Faith; JESUS' Promises

"After that, JESUS came to Caesarea Philippi.  HE asked HIS disciples, 'Who do people say the Son of Man is?'  They said, 'For some of them, YOU are John the Baptist; for others Elijah, or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.'
JESUS asked them, 'But you, who do you say I AM?'  Peter answered, 'YOU are the Messiah, the Son of the living GOD.'  JESUS replied, 'It is well for you, Simon Barjona, for it is not flesh or blood that has revealed this to you, but MY FATHER in heaven.
And now I say to you: You are Peter; and on this Rock I will build MY Church; and never will the powers of death overcome it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you unbind on earth shall be unbound in heaven.'" - Matthew 16:13-19 
(One parable of the kingdom of GOD already foretold the Church [Matthew 13:31-33].  This present text openly refers to the Church:
- it tells us what its foundation is: faith in JESUS, the CHRIST and Son of GOD;
- it focuses on the primacy of Peter among all the apostles;
- it suggests that the Church will always need a visible head.  This is the successor of Peter, the pope.)


Friday, February 21, 2025

Take Up Your Cross

“Then JESUS said to HIS disciples, ‘If you want to follow ME, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow ME.  For whoever chooses to save his life will lose it, but the one who loses his life for MY sake will find it’.” – Matthew 16:24-25 
(Whoever chooses to save his life will lose it. – JESUS draws attention to the great option of every human life:  we cannot discover GOD; we cannot make a success of life without sacrificing it.  All the rest is idle talk.  The option terrifies us in the same measure that life for us seems promising.  It is also the reason why marriage and family frighten many.)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

CHRIST -- The Son Of Man

"JESUS set out with HIS disciples for the villages around Caesarea Philippi; and on the way HE asked them, 'Who do people say I AM?  And they told HIM, 'Some say, YOU are John the Baptist; others say, YOU are Elijah or one of the prophets.'
Then JESUS asked them, 'But you, who do you say I AM?'  Peter answered, 'YOU are the Messiah.'  And HE ordered them not to tell anyone about HIM.
JESUS then began to teach them that the Son of Man had to suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law.  HE would be killed, and after three days rise again.  JESUS said all this quite openly, so that Peter took HIM aside and began to protest strongly.  But JESUS, turning around, and looking at HIS disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, 'Get behind ME, Satan!  You are thinking not as GOD does, but as people do.'" - Mark 8:27-33  
(Here the Gospel already foretells the tragic end.  For the first time, the apostles take account of who their Master is.

YOU are the Messiah.  CHRIST is a Greek word that means the Messiah in Hebrew.  They both mean: the anointed or consecrated one.  This term designated the long-awaited Savior.  The apostles discover that JESUS is the Messiah, the Liberator, but HE teaches them that the Son of Man (the Human One) has to suffer many things.

Why does JESUS call HIMSELF the Son of Man?  For two reasons: first, because one page in Scripture speaks of the Son of Man who gloriously comes from GOD to judge all people and to rule all the nations [Daniel 7:13].  Second, because JESUS is the perfect Human and bears the destiny of humanity.

JESUS had to suffer, because this is the fate of sinners.  HE had to suffer and be rejected by the authorities, because this is the destiny of those who proclaim the truth.  HE had to freely go to HIS death because self-sacrifice is the only means for the salvation of the world.)


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Cure Of The Blind Man At Bethsaida

"When they came to Bethsaida, JESUS was asked to touch a blind man who was brought to HIM.  HE took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village.  When HE had put spittle on his eyes and laid HIS hands upon him, HE asked, 'Can you see anything?'  The man, who was beginning to see, replied, 'I see people!  They look like trees, but they move around.'  Then JESUS laid HIS hands on his eyes again and the man could see perfectly.  His sight was restored, and he could see everything clearly.
Then JESUS sent him home, saying, 'Do not return to the village.'" - Mark 8:22-26 
(When a person, blind from birth, regains his sight, it takes time for him to gradually focus on objects and to understand what his new eyes see.  JESUS again laid HIS hands on this blind man's eyes.

The same is true in the spiritual realm.  JESUS does not let us see everything at once, but conversion is realized bit by bit.

Do not return to the village.  If so, all the people would go looking for JESUS to see HIM and touch HIM and clamor for a miracle.  JESUS came instead for an authentic encounter with people.)


Beware Of The Yeast Of The Pharisees

"The disciples had forgotten to bring more bread, and had only one loaf with them in the boat.  Then JESUS warned them, 'Keep your eyes open, and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod.'  And they said to one another, 'HE saw that we have no bread.'
Aware of this, JESUS asked them, 'Why are you talking about the loaves you are short of?  Do you not see or understand?  Are your minds closed?  Have you eyes that don't see and ears that don't hear?  And do you not remember when I broke the five loaves among five thousand?  How many baskets full of leftovers did you collect?'  They answered, 'Twelve.'  And having distributed seven loaves to the four thousand, how many wicker baskets of leftovers did you collect?'  They answered, 'Seven.'  Then JESUS said to them, 'Do you still not understand?'" - Mark 8:14-21  
(JESUS tells HIS apostles to beware of the Pharisee's spirit [of becoming like the Pharisees] but they do not listen, being more concerned about the food.

JESUS says: Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, meaning their teaching [Matthew 16:12].  The Pharisees saw JESUS as a popular worker-wonder who threatened their authority as a religious and popular leader of the people.  Since the disciples had forgotten to bring more bread, they missed JESUS' point about the leaven of the Pharisees.  JESUS fears that HIS disciples, because of being common people, would let themselves be impressed by the knowledge and fame of the Pharisees, and HE warns them that these people build religion on the wrong basis.

JESUS agreed with the Pharisees on the general way of understanding the Scriptures, but not the spirit of many among them.  As "master" HE chose a way opposed to theirs.  Instead of a teaching that comes from above HE became part of a natural group of quite simple people and formed them through action.  HE made them reflect on what they saw, on what they did, and above all on what GOD was doing among them as they worked with HIM.)

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Why Do They Demand A Sign?

"The Pharisees came and started to argue with JESUS.  Hoping to embarrass HIM, they asked for some heavenly sign.  Then HIS spirit was moved.  HE gave a deep sigh and said, 'Why do the people of this present time ask for a sign?  Truly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this people.'  Then HE left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side of the lake." - Mark 8:11-13 
(The Pharisees do not see the fruits of JESUS' teaching.  They do not see the thousands of anonymous disciples who are rediscovering hope who are gradually transformed.  They do not see that GOD had visited the poor.  JESUS is going to clash more and more with this powerful group, the most respected in Jewish society and a question comes to our mind: if JESUS came today, wouldn't HE shock many people who think they are the pillars of the Church?

In fact, the reproach that JESUS addresses to the Pharisees is often found in those who turn to respected religious institutions.  First, we start with a desire for moral perfection that is unconsciously linked to our need to be acknowledged by society.  We are aware of our own responsibility.  This is a good thing, and it was at the heart of Phariseism.  This may be a starting point.  But as time goes by, we fail to realize that we have become more attached to our own virtues than to GOD: love would have steeped us in humility.

Fully convinced of their own merits [their "righteousness," Luke 18:9], the Pharisees seek a type of sanctity based on rules, alms and services and in return for their merits, they expect GOD to treat them in a special way.  We are a long way from grace and from the Gospel since we can only encounter GOD if we accept our weaknesses and GOD's forgiveness.  Then, we truly and humbly love GOD, and we feel we are the brothers and sisters of the poorest and of sinners.

Our belonging to a real or alleged elite brings us to cultivate our own image, therefore appearances, as we are more removed from the world of "sinners" and ordinary people [as if by chance, Pharisee means separated].  This more "select" milieu offers a chance to every ambition and from then on, as JESUS says, hypocrisy rules.)  

Blessings And Woes

"Coming down the hill with them, JESUS stood on a level place.  Many of HIS disciples were there and a large crowd of people who had come from all parts of Judea and Jerusalem and from the coastal cities of Tyre and Sidon.  
Then looking at HIS disciples, JESUS said, 
'Fortunate are you who are poor, the kingdom of GOD is yours.' 
Fortunate are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. 
Fortunate are you who weep now, for you will laugh. 
Fortunate are you when people hate you, when they reject you and insult you and number you among criminals, because of the Son of Man.  Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven.  Remember that is how the ancestors of this people treated the prophets. 
But alas for you who have wealth, for you have been comforted now. 
Alas for you who are full, for you will go hungry. 
Alas for you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. 
Alas for you when people speak well of you, for that is how the ancestors of these people treated the false prophets." - Luke 6:17. 20-26


(Matthew adapts them for the members of the church of his time.  Luke, on the other hand, puts the beatitudes here just as JESUS proclaimed them to the people of Galilee.  In the words of JESUS, the beatitudes were a call, and a hope addressed to the forgotten of the world, beginning with the poor among HIS people, heirs of GOD's promise to the prophets.)

Second Miracle Of The Loaves

"Soon afterward, JESUS was in the midst of another large crowd, that obviously had nothing to eat. So HE called HIS disciples and said to them, 'I feel sorry for these people, because they have been with ME for three days and now have nothing to eat.  If I send them to their homes hungry, they will faint on the way; some of them have come a long way.'
HIS disciples replied. 'Where, in a deserted place like this, could we get enough bread to feed these people?'  HE asked them, 'How many loaves have you?'  And they answered, 'Seven.'
Then HE ordered the crowd to sit down on the ground.  Taking the seven loaves and giving thanks, HE broke them and handed them to HIS disciples to distribute.  And they distributed them among the people.  They also had some small fish.  So, JESUS said a blessing and asked that these be shared as well.
The people ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the broken pieces left over seven baskets full.  Now those who had eaten were about four thousand in number.  JESUS sent them away, and immediately got into the boat with HIS disciples, and went to the region of Dalmanutha." - Mark 8:1-10  
(This second account of the multiplication of the loaves is not a repetition of the first account.  It is obvious that oral transmission of these two events leads to shape them according to the same pattern, but they have different meaning.

The first time, between Tiberias and Capernaum [that is right at the center of JESUS' work in Galilee] the people, more numerous and more urgent, approach JESUS to make HIM their liberator [John 6].  JESUS refuses, but later that afternoon HE multiplies the loaves--a clear sign that HE is the Messiah foretold by the prophets.  The next day JESUS, in HIS turn, demands that they take HIM for what HE is, and this produces the rejection [John 6:60].

Later JESUS journeys to the boundaries of Galilee, where most of the population are pagans.  They also want to hear JESUS.  There, on the other side of the shore, the eastern part, JESUS offers them bread as a farewell meal after they followed HIM for two days through the desert land.

The two accounts of the multiplication of loaves differ in several points like the number of loaves and the number of participants.  The baskets for example, mentioned in Mark 6:43 refer to the stiff osier basket of the Jews, and in 8:8 to the wicker basket or the Greek's folding bag.

The number 12 records the twelve tribes of Israel and the Twelve apostles, while the number 7 records the "seven pagan nations" which occupied Canaan and the seven deacons of the early Church. 

These differences underline the will of Mark to take into account the real situation of the Church at the time he wrote: having been born in Jewish milieu, it was developing among Greek nations.  This is why, for the first multiplication the evangelists say, "JESUS pronounced a blessing", and in the second, "JESUS gave thanks".  Because the first was the word used for Eucharist among Jewish Christian communities, and the latter was used in Greek speaking churches.  This duality is stressed in Matthew 16:5 and still more in Mark 8:9.

The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves [or the two multiplications of loaves] holds on important place in the synoptic Gospels because it points out JESUS as the Messiah.)


Friday, February 14, 2025

Healing A Deaf And Dumb Man

"Again, JESUS set out: from the country of Tyre HE passed through Sidon and, skirting the sea of Galilee, HE came to the territory of Decapolis.  There, a deaf man, who also had difficulty in speaking, was brought to HIM.  They asked JESUS to lay HIS hand upon him. 
JESUS took him apart from the crowd, put HIS fingers into the man's ears, and touched his tongue with spittle.  Then, looking up to heaven, HE said with a deep sigh, 'Ephphata!' that is, 'Be opened!'
And immediately, his ears were opened, his tongue was loosened, and he began to speak clearly.  JESUS ordered them not to tell anyone about it; but the more HE insisted, the more they proclaimed it.  The people were completely astonished and said, 'HE has done all things well; HE makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.'" - Mark 7:31-37 
(They asked JESUS to lay HIS hand upon him.  This was a way of invoking divine power, but JESUS did not have to ask.  By HIS gesture HE showed that HE had within HIMSELF, within HIS human person, all the health and welfare that we need, and HE communicated this to the sick one.

JESUS groaned.  Why?  Because the man before HIM is an impressive symbol of those who have eyes and ears but neither see nor hear.  The people bring HIM the deaf-mute, and ask HIM to heal him, but they themselves remain deaf.

JESUS ordered them not to tell anyone.  How far JESUS is from the organizers of a "Miracle Crusade"!  An unexpected miracle may help us discover the loving presence of GOD, but as soon as we begin to wait for them, we turn away from the Gospel.  The Devil knows this and so tempted JESUS in the desert [Matthew 4:6]: See the warnings of Deuteronomy to people anxious to see miracles [Deuteronomy 13].  Faith leans on the word of GOD, not on miracles [John 4:48].)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Two Of Them Became One Flesh

"YAHWEH GOD said, 'It is not good for Man to be alone; I will give him a helper who will be like him.'  Then YAHWEH GOD formed from the earth all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air and brought them to Man to see what he would call them; and whatever Man called every living creature, that was its name.
So, Man gave names to all the cattle, the birds of the air and to every beast of the field.  But he did not find among them a helper like himself.  Then YAHWEH GOD caused a deep sleep to come over Man and he fell asleep.  HE took one of his ribs and filled its place with flesh.  The rib which YAHWEH GOD had taken from Man HE formed into a woman and brought her to the man.  The man then said, 'Now this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.  She shall be called woman because she was taken from man.'  That is why man leaves his father and mother and is attached to his wife, and with her becomes one flesh.  Both the man and his wife were naked and were not ashamed." - Genesis 2:18-25  
(They become one flesh:  in Hebrew it means that they form one single being.  This union of the couple is part of their mission.  It is not a provisional agreement to enjoy each other, but the union of a family in which GOD's work is accomplished.  Therefore, the family will be fruitful and the two will give back to the large human family the treasure of humanity which they received from it.

We cannot reread this phrase without recalling the way it will be taken up in the Gospel [Matthew 19:15].  JESUS words on marriage are among HIS least understood words.

Yet the will of GOD was clear in this ancient text: the years of common life, the efforts to listen to each other, to understand and make decisions together, the capacity to forgive and persevere in fidelity, the shared risk in giving birth and educating a family: those are the means which, little by little, transform the man and the woman, enabling them to gain maturity and a sense of their responsibility.  And it is precisely that which GOD wishes to find in them at the end of their life when HE will be all for all.

They were naked and were not ashamed.  In Hebraic culture, nakedness leaves us defenseless.  Thus here, we should understand that the man and the woman accept each other as they are without taking advantage of their respective weaknesses.)


Clean And Unclean

"JESUS then called the people to HIM again and said to them, 'Listen to ME, all of you, and try to understand.  Nothing that enters a person from the outside can make that person unclean.  It is what comes from within that makes a person unclean.  Let everyone who has ears listen.'
When JESUS got home and was away from the crowd, HIS disciples asked HIM about this saying, and HE replied, 'So even you are dull?  Do you not see that whatever comes from outside cannot make a person unclean, since it enters not the heart but the stomach, and is finally passed out?'
Thus, JESUS declared that all foods are clean.
And HE went on, 'What comes out of a person is what defiles him, for evil designs come out of the heart: theft, murder, adultery, jealousy, greed, maliciousness, deceit, indecency, slander, pride and folly.  All these evil things come from within and make a person unclean.'" - Mark 7:14-23   
(An important practice of Judaism was to keep oneself clean: one could not participate in worship without being in a state of ritual purity.  This word "purity" did not have the same meaning we give it today.  The clean person was one who was not contaminated even inadvertently by things prohibited by law.  For example, pork and rabbit were considered unclean; they could not be eaten.  A menstruating woman or a person with hemorrhoids were considered unclean for a certain number of days: no one could even touch them.  A leper was considered unclean until cured.  If a bug fell in oil, the oil was considered unclean and would have to be thrown away.

If contaminated even by no fault of his own, the person had to purify himself, usually with water, sometimes paying for sacrifices.

At one time, these laws were useful in encouraging a hygienic lifestyle.  They also protected the faith of the Jews who lived among people who did not know GOD.  How could they guard their faith in the one GOD if they were to live with other nations, befriend them, and even imitate their ways?  With so many religious practices to observe, the Jews had to live apart from those who did not share their faith and lifestyle.

It is true that Scriptures, teaches these concepts of purity and impurity, but these laws were written many centuries ago and not everything Scripture says is valid for all times.  Through the teachings of the Scriptures GOD educated HIS nation, but the laws HE gave them from the beginning, when they were barbaric and uneducated, are no longer necessary for a community which has a solid religious foundation.

It is quite legitimate for Christians to adopt a vegetarian way of life, that Christian communities consider abstinence from alcohol and tobacco as a witness to help addicts.  But let us not say that this is part of our faith nor let us judge those who do not agree with us.  That would otherwise undermine the transcendence of Christian salvation that goes beyond any question of "eating and drinking" [Romans 14:17].)

True Cleanness

"One day, the Pharisees gathered around JESUS, and with them were some teachers of the law who had just come from Jerusalem.
They noticed that some of HIS disciples were eating their meal with unclean hands, that is, without washing them.  Now the Pharisees, and in fact all the Jews, never eat without washing their hands, for they follow the tradition received from their ancestors.  Nor do they eat anything, when they come from the market, without first washing themselves.  And there are many other traditions they observe; for example, the ritual washing of cups, pots and plates.
So the Pharisees and the teachers of the law asked HIM, 'Why do your disciples not follow the tradition of the elders, but eat with unclean hands?'
JESUS answered, 'You shallow people!  How well Isaiah prophesied of you when he wrote: This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.  The worship they offer me is worthless, for what they teach are only human rules.  You even put aside the commandment of GOD to hold fast to human tradition.'
And JESUS commented, 'You have a fine way of disregarding the commandments of GOD in order to enforce your own traditions!  For example, Moses said: Do your duty to your father and your mother, and: Whoever curses his father or his mother is to be put to death.  But according to you, someone could say to his father or mother, 'I already declared Corban (which means "offered to GOD") what you could have expected from me.'  In this case, you no longer require him to do anything for his father or mother; and so you nullify the word of GOD through the tradition you have handed on.  And you do many other things like that." - Mark 7:1-13  
(No group, not even the Church, can sustain itself without traditions and customs.  Yet even when they are good traditions, they are still made by humans.  For example, the way the mass is celebrated, celebrations, novenas, etc.  All that past popes, bishops, and Christian communities have done can be changed; we understand that they are not essential.

What does not change is GOD's teaching.  Where can it be found?  In the Scriptures and in JESUS' teachings.  Yet there is a way of understanding JESUS as the apostles did.  This is called the Tradition of the Apostles, and the Church, founded by the apostles, guards this Tradition, that is, their spirit.  Let us not confuse the traditions of Catholics with the Tradition of the Church.

We often make little effort to enter into the spirit and Tradition of the Church, however, clinging instead to antiquated and mediocre traditions.  Why are so many Christians today scandalized when the Church frees itself from these antiquated rites?  JESUS gives us the reason: they cling to these rites because they are incapable of believing.  External religion replaces the authentic faith they do not possess.  They hang onto these things because these are all they have, and if they lost that, GOD no longer has any meaning for them.)


Sunday, February 09, 2025

GOD's Boundless Care For HIS Creation

 "Praise YAHWEH, my soul!
Clothed in majesty and splendor;
O YAHWEH, my GOD, how great YOU are!

YOU are wrapped in light as with a garment;
YOU stretch out the heavens like a tent, ...

YOU set the earth on its foundations,
and never will it be shaken.
YOU covered it with the ocean like a garment,
and waters spread over the mountains.

YOU make springs gush forth in valleys,
winding among mountains and hills, ...

Birds build their nests close by,
and sing among the branches of trees.

How varied O YAHWEH, are YOUR works!
In wisdom YOU have made them all--
the earth, full of YOUR creatures.

May sinners vanish from the earth,
and may the wicked be no more.
Praise YAHWEH, my soul!"
Psalm 104:1-2. 5-6. 10. 12. 24. 35

(Religion is not strictly an affair between GOD and our souls.  We are part of the world which GOD also made and loves.  The creation was described in the first chapter of Genesis in brief phrases.  Here, the same account is painted in loving detail.  The psalmist speaks of the world, as he saw it; we can think also of the world as we know it--a much more complex world than the psalmist knew--but with the same delight and awe.)

You Will Catch People

"One day, as JESUS stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, with a crowd gathered around HIM listening to the word of GOD, HE caught sight of two boats, left at the water's edge by fishermen, now washing their nets.  HE got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked HIM to pull out a little from the shore.  There HE sat and continued to teach the crowd.
When HE had finished speaking, HE said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.'  Simon replied, 'Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing.  But if you say so, I will lower the nets.'  This they did and caught such large number of fish that their nets began to break.  They signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them.  They came, and they filled both boats almost to the point of sinking.
Upon seeing this, Simon Peter fell at JESUS' knees, saying, 'Leave me, LORD, for I am a sinful man!'  For he ands his companions amazed at the catch they had made, and so were Simon's partners, James and John, Zebedee's sons.
JESUS said to Simon, 'Do not be afraid.  You will catch people from now on.'  So, they brought their boats to land and followed HIM, leaving everything." - Luke 5:1-11  
(JESUS invites HIMSELF aboard Peter's boat, and Peter is willing to render HIM this service.  JESUS looks for more: even though many are ready to assist HIM, HE seeks those who are willing to totally surrender to HIS work.  The listeners are many, but HE needs apostles.

Miracles are another way in which JESUS teaches.  The miracle reported here is GOD's word for future apostles.  Lower your nets; the nets were at the breaking point; you will catch people...

Leave me, LORD, for I am a sinful man.  Such is the fear of the one who discovers that GOD has entered into his inner life: this is a first act of faith in the divinity of JESUS.  Yet JESUS calls on sinners to save sinners.

Leaving everything, they followed HIM.  It is not that they had much, but it was their whole life: work, family and their whole past as fishermen.

Apostle means sent.  CHRIST is the one who chooses HIS apostles and sends them in HIS name.  Where will HE find someone to send except among those who are willing to cooperate with HIM?  One begins to be an apostle or at least to cooperate with CHRIST, when one looks for something more than performing good works for the benefit of the parish, when one feels responsible for people: fisher of people.

Here Luke may have combined two different events: the call of the disciples briefly presented in Mark 1:16 and the miraculous catch.  John also relates a miraculous catch [John 21] but he places it after the resurrection.  We have good reason to think we are dealing with the same miracle, but it suited John to combine it with the appearance of the risen JESUS to the apostles, which occurred later in the same place.)


Saturday, February 08, 2025

"The LORD Is My Shepherd."

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
HE makes me lie down in green pastures.
HE leads me beside the still waters,
HE restores my soul.
HE guides me through the right paths
for HIS name's sake.

Although I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil,
for YOU are beside me:
YOUR rod and YOUR staff comfort me.

YOU spread a table before me
in the presence of my foes.
YOU anoint my head with oil;
my cup is overflowing.

Goodness and kindness will follow me
all the days of my life,
I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
as long as I live."
Psalm 23:1-3. 3-4. 5. 6

(In the course of years of the Shepherd-LORD took flesh and died for HIS sheep - thus HE led the way through a dark valley to pastures beyond.  We follow without fear.  And if we should falter, HE takes home in HIS arms [Luke 15:5-6].  To such a shepherd we sing our hymn.  But if, with the psalmist, we may change our picture, HE is our generous host, too.  The brimming cup HE offers was dearly bought: 'Drink!  This is MY blood that shall be shed.'

We will be on our way until we reach the Promised Land.  While we journey, this psalm will give us light and consolation.  It is not the repose of death that we await but the resurrection that brings us to the FATHER.  Do we need any more assurance than that to become a true Christian, i.e., CHRIST-like?

The original manuscript uses the word 'YAHWEH is my shepherd.'  Since this psalm is a common, everyday prayer we use, for pastoral purposes, we use the known expression 'The LORD is my shepherd.')   

Friday, February 07, 2025

John The Baptist Beheaded

"King Herod also heard about JESUS, because HIS name had become well-known.  Some people said, 'John the Baptist has been raised from the dead, and that is why miraculous powers are at work in HIM.'  Others thought, 'HE is Elijah,' and others, 'HE is a prophet like the prophets of times past.'  When Herod was told of this, he thought, 'I had John beheaded; yet, he has risen from the dead!' 

For this is what had happened.  Herod had ordered John to be arrested and had him bound and put in prison because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. Herod had married her and John had told him, 'It is not right for you to live with your brother's wife.'  So, Herodias held a grudge against John and wanted to kill him, but she could not because Herod respected John.  He knew John to be an upright and holy man and kept him safe.  And he liked listening to him, although he became very disturbed whenever he heard him.
Herodias had her chance on Herod's birthday, when he gave a dinner for all the senior government officials, military chiefs and the leaders of Galilee.  On that occasion the daughter of Herodias came in and danced; and she delighted Herod and his guests.  The king said to the girl, 'Ask me of anything you want, and I will give it to you.  And he went so far as to say with many oaths, 'I will give you anything you ask, even half my kingdom.'  She went out to consult her mother, 'What shall I ask for?'  The mother replied, 'The head of John the Baptist.'  The girl hurried to the king and made her request:  'I want you to give me the head of John the Baptist, here and now, on a dish.'
The king was very displeased, but he would not refuse in front of his guests because of his oaths.  So he sent one of the bodyguards with orders to bring John's head.  He went and beheaded John in prison; then he brought the head on a dish and gave it to the girl.  And the girl gave it to her mother.  When John's disciples heard of this, they came and took his body and buried it." - Mark 6:14-29 
(King Herod.  This refers to Herod Antipas, son of the other Herod who reigned when JESUS was born.
King Herod respected John, but he was prisoner of his milieu and of his vices.  As king of Galilee, his misconduct constituted a public counter-witness.
All through the Bible we see prophets stressing the particular responsibility of those who wield power.  If they have to lead the people, they must be, by the rectitude of their life, an example; John the Baptist could not speak of justice without reproaching Herod for his infidelity.
People said that John the Baptist has been raised from the dead.  They considered John a martyr and believed he would rise from the dead to punish Herod.  Some associated JESUS with John - JESUS performed miracles that John had not done.  Others, less informed, thought JESUS was an apparition of John.)

Thursday, February 06, 2025

JESUS Sends Out The Twelve

"JESUS then went around the villages, teaching.  HE called the Twelve to HIM, and began to send out two by two, giving them authority over evil spirits.  And HE ordered them to take nothing for the journey, except a staff: no food, no bag, no money in their belts.  They were to wear sandals and were not to take an extra tunic.

And HE added, 'In whatever house you are welcomed, stay there until you leave the place.  If any place doesn't receive you, and the people refuse to listen to you, leave after shaking the dust off your feet.  It will be a testimony against them.'
So they set out to proclaim that this was the time to repent.  They drove out many demons and healed many sick people by anointing them." - Mark 6:7-13 
JESUS Sends Out The Twelve
(JESUS begins a third stage of HIS ministry by organizing a mission throughout the province.  Before, the apostles accompanied JESUS but now HE sends them ahead of HIM.

JESUS is an educator.  HE not only teaches HIS followers, HE has them share in HIS mission.  HIS apostles must also proclaim their faith and perform healings as the Master does.  By doing this, they put into practice what they have discovered of the kingdom of GOD.  The disciples should be first to believe what they themselves proclaim: GOD makes HIMSELF present.  Because of this, they must live day by day, trusting in the FATHER's Providence, not frightened but always conscious of GOD's mission and power.

Oil was used at the time as a remedy, but JESUS gives it a new meaning: the healings bring more than just well-being, they are also the sign of spiritual healing, the reconciliation of people with GOD.

JESUS concern to form communities of believers is already present.  HE sends HIS disciples out two by two so that the message will not be from one person only, but the expression of a group united in one mission.  JESUS tells them to stay under one roof with one family so that this may be a center radiating faith.)   

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

What Kind Of Wisdom Has Been Given To HIM?

"Leaving that place, JESUS returned to HIS own country, and HIS disciples followed HIM.  When the Sabbath came, HE began teaching in the synagogue, and most of those who heard HIM were astonished.  They commented, 'How did this come to HIM?  What kind of wisdom has been given to HIM that HE also performs such miracles?  Who is HE but the carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James and Joset and Judas and Simon?  HIS sisters, too, are they not here among us?  So they took offense at HIM.
And JESUS said to them, 'Prophets are despised only in their own country, among their relatives and in their own family.'  And HE could work no miracles there but only healed a few sick people by laying HIS hands on them.'  JESUS HIMSELF was astounded of their unbelief." - Mark 6:1-6  
(The brothers and sisters of JESUS are HIS relatives and acquaintances of Nazareth.

How did this come to HIM?  Does this mean that JESUS traveled to other countries in order to get magic powers?

Because HE always lived among them and never did anything extraordinary, they were astonished that, in such a short time, HE became famous throughout Galilee.  In fact, they do not know HIM: most of the time people mistakenly believe they know their neighbors.

Prophets are despised only in their own country.  After living with HIM so long and treating HIM like anyone else, how could they suddenly show respect and have faith in HIM?

Who is HE but the carpenter?  The term the Gospel uses is craftsman.  There is no further specification.  Yet the first Christians of Palestine asserted that JESUS was a carpenter.

What kind of wisdom has been given to HIM?  Many people say that because CHRIST was GOD, HE knew all things, but divine knowledge is nothing less than GOD HIMSELF.  HE knows all at once in an instant that never ends - this is eternity.  On the other hand, humans think in ideas, and do not embrace all at the same time.  That is why, from birth, JESUS had to learn from experience and discover.  Yet HE had a clear awareness that HE was the Son, although at the beginning HE did not have the words to think or express this.

JESUS received HIS human learning from Mary, Joseph, and HIS neighbors in Nazareth.  HE acquired HIS wisdom from the Bible and the culture of HIS people.  Yet the FATHER gave HIM HIS Spirit to judge as GOD does and to recognize GOD in all things.  For HIM [as for us now] what was important was not accumulating data and experiences but to be able to appreciate all that occurred.   JESUS inspired by the Spirit, felt all the realities of life in a different way: this was Wisdom.) 

Monday, February 03, 2025

A Child Raised To Life

"While JESUS was speaking to them, an official of the synagogue came up to HIM, bowed before HIM and said, 'My daughter has just died, but come and place YOUR hands on her, and she will live.'  JESUS stood up and followed him with HIS disciples.

When JESUS arrived at the official's house and saw the flute players and the excited crowd, HE said, 'Get out of here!  The girl is not dead.  She is only sleeping!'  And they laughed at HIM.  But once the crowd had been turned out, JESUS went in and took the girl by the hand, and she stood up.  The news of this spread through the whole area." - Matthew 9:18-19. 23-26 

(Here JESUS is confronted with the death of a girl who is called to live.  Jairus was an official of the synagogue, that is to say, one of those holding responsibility in the local Jewish community.

We too ask GOD to be healed, but we dare not ask for resurrection of the dead because we consider death as something absolutely irreversible.  JESUS wishes to show us that no "law of destiny" or nature can be an obstacle to GOD's love.

The child is not dead, but asleep.  Of course she is dead, and that is why the people mock HIM; but JEUS sends the noisy crowd outside and takes with HIM the child's father and mother.  They are capable of understanding for they have come to HIM in a spirit of faith.)


Sunday, February 02, 2025

Confident Prayer In Distress

 "How great is the goodness which YOU have stored for those who fear YOU, which YOU show, for all to see, to those who take refuge in YOU!
In the shelter of YOUR presence, YOU hide them from human wiles; YOU keep them in YOUR dwelling, safe from the intrigues of wagging tongues.
Blessed be YAHWEH for HIS wonderful love!  HE has strengthened my heart.
I said in my fright: 'I have been cut off from YOUR sight!'
Yet, when I was crying, YOU heard; when I called for mercy, YOU listened.
Love YAHWEH, all you, HIS saints!  YAHWEH preserves HIS faithful; but HE fully requites the arrogant."
Psalm 31:20-24

(This psalm has so many nuances and so many different perspectives that, whoever prays with it, can remain wherever he feels more comfortable.  At the end of the psalm, love prevails.

The psalmist appears to be in a state of desperation.  At times, we too can identify ourselves with such a situation.  However, he does not give up hope when he asks the LORD to, "Save me in YOUR love" in the very last words.  There also are prophetic words in this psalm as JESUS HIMSELF in Luke 23:46 utters the words, "Into YOUR hands I commend MY spirit."  JESUS once again shows us the way, even at the last hour.  Our hope and trust in the LORD can be restored by repeatedly praying with this psalm.)

I Send MY Messenger To Prepare The Way

"Now I am sending MY messenger ahead of ME to clear the way; then suddenly the LORD for whom you long will enter the sanctuary.  The envoy of the covenant which you so greatly desire already comes, says YAHWEH of hosts.  Who can bear the day of HIS coming and remain standing when HE appears?  For HE will be like fire in the foundry and like the lye used fort bleaching.
HE will be as a refiner or a fuller.  HE will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver.  So, YAHWEH will have priests who will present the offering as it should be.  Then YAHWEH will accept with pleasure the offering of Judah and Jerusalem, as in former days." - Malachi 3:1-4  
(Now I am sending MY messenger.  To those complaining that GOD does not reveal HIS justice nor reward sufficiently those who serve HIM, Malachi responds by declaring that the LORD will come soon.  He announces the coming of a messenger of GOD who will be responsible for preparing the way for HIM, and that will be the sign of HIS coming soon.

Paragraphs 3:1-2 and 4:22-24 complement each other and point to John the Baptist.  The Gospel will recall them in Luke 1:17; 7:27; John 3:22.  Also see Mark 9:11.)  

Saturday, February 01, 2025

JESUS Calms The Storm

"On that same day, when evening had come, JESUS said to them, 'Let's go across to the other side of the lake.'  So they left the crowd, and took HIM along in the boat HE had been sitting in, and other boats set out with HIM.  Then a storm gathered and it began to blow a gale.  The waves spilled over into the boat, so that it was soon filled with water.  JESUS was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.

They woke HIM up, and said, 'Master, don't YOU care if we drown?'  And rising up, JESUS rebuked the wind, and ordered the sea, 'Quiet now!  Be still!'  The wind dropped, and there was a great calm.  Then JESUS said to them, 'Why are you so frightened?  Do you still have no faith?'

But they were terrified, and they said to one another, 'Who can this be?  Even the wind and the sea obey HIM!'" - Mark 4:35-41 

(In Jewish mentality the sea is a daily reminder of primitive chaos, it is there the marine monsters move around, monsters which only GOD, for HE is the all-powerful, can challenge: Leviatan and Rahab.  In commanding the sea: Quiet now!  Be still!  Just as HE does with the demons [Mark 1:25] JESUS affirms HIS divine power over the forces of evil.

Confronted with all the forms of evil that attack them, in the midst of tempests that arise, people, at times, wonder if GOD "does not sleep."  JESUS is there.  HE is not surprised by the disciples' fear of the tempest, but of their lack of faith; only trust in the victory of JESUS, Son of GOD, over the forces of evil, will allow them to overcome this fear.

At the very instant when they discover this divine power in JESUS, the apostles are terrified, as was Moses at the burning bush [Exodus 3:1], and Isaiah at the time of his vision in the temple [Isaiah 6:5], as all those to whom GOD shows HIMSELF in a special way: more than a friend, more than a master, JESUS revealed HIMSELF to them in the truth of HIS being.  This fear in discovering GOD so close to them was greater than the fear they had felt during the tempest a few moments earlier.)
