"My little children, do not be led astray; those who do what is right are upright, just as JESUS CHRIST is upright. But those who sin belong to the devil, for the devil sins from the beginning.
This is why the Son of GOD was shown to us, HE was to undo the works of the devil.
Those born of GOD do not sin, for the seed of GOD remains in them; they cannot sin, because they are born of GOD.
What is the way to recognize the children of GOD, and those of the devil? The one, who does not do what is right, is not of GOD; so, too, the one who does not love his brother or sister." - 1 John 3:7-10
(Keeping the commandment of love is what distinguishes GOD's children.
Most people are accustomed to thinking that the world is divided into two opposed factions. Some see good people on the one hand, and bad people on the other. Others see only liberals and conservatives. Others see black and white. John tells us what the dividing line between people is: those who love and those who do not love. Because believers are in the camp of those who love, they will be persecuted. Their companions and compatriots will not forgive believers for not sharing their own hatred and sectarianism.)