Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Call To The Daughter Of Zion

Hi! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (10 December 2016)
"'Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for I AM about to come, I shall dwell among you,' says YAHWEH.
On that day, many nations will join YAHWEH and be MY people, but my dwelling is among you.  The people of Judah will be for YAHWEH as HIS portion in HIS holy land.  HE will choose Jerusalem again.
Keep still in YAHWEH's  presence, for HE comes, having risen from HIS holy dwelling." - Zechariah 2:14-17 
The Daughter Of Zion (The People Of GOD) Rejoicing
(In the following we have one of the two calls to the captives: a call to rejoicing because GOD lives with HIS people.  We now have more motives for rejoicing.  In the Bible the expression Daughter of Zion is one of the many names for the People Of GOD.

Zechariah foretells the new times when he says that GOD will be permanently at work in Zion, figure of the Church in which all people of the earth will gather together.)

The People Of GOD (The Church)


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