Friday, January 17, 2025

"Healthy People Don't Need A Doctor, But Sick People Do. I Did Come To Call The Righteous, But Sinners."

"When JESUS went out again, beside the lake, a crowd came to HIM, and HE taught them.  As HE walked along, HE saw a tax collector sitting in his office.  This was Levi, the son of Alpheus.  JESUS said to him, 'Follow ME!'  And Levi got up and followed HIM.

And it so happened that, when JESUS eating in Levi's house, tax collectors and sinners sat with HIM and HIS disciples; there were a lot of them, and they used to follow JESUS.

But Pharisees, men educated in the law, when they saw JESUS eating with sinners and tax collectors, said to HIS disciples, 'Why does your master eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?'

JESUS heard them, and answered, 'Healthy people don't need a doctor, but sick people do.  I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'" - Mark 2:13-17 

(To enter the family of GOD, we must change some of our values.  This conversion is not as conspicuous as participation in devotional practices but is much more valuable.  First, we must liberate ourselves from prejudices by which we classify people.  Let us stop dividing people into good or bad; those we can greet and those we cannot.  Let us learn that GOD does not hate the rich or the uneducated, those on the left or those on the right, for GOD's merciful plan sees to the salvation of all.

Levi is probably the apostle Matthew [Matthew 9:9].  In this case, like Simon, named Peter by JESUS, Levi would have been given the name of Matthew; in Hebrew Mattai means gift of GOD.)


Thursday, January 16, 2025

JESUS Forgives And Cures A Paralytic

"After some days JESUS returned to Capernaum.  As the news spread that HE was at home, so many people gathered that there was no longer room even outside the door.  While JESUS was preaching the Word to them, some people brought a paralyzed man to HIM. 
The four men who carried him couldn't get near JESUS because of the crowd, so they opened the roof above the room where JESUS was and, through the hole, lowered the man on his mat.  When JESUS saw the faith of these people, HE said to the paralytic, 'My son, your sins are forgiven.'
Now, some teachers of the Law who were sitting there wondered within themselves, 'How can HE speak like this insulting GOD?  Who can forgive sins except GOD?'
At once JESUS knew through HIS spirit what they were thinking and asked, 'Why do you wonder?  Is it easier to say to this paralyzed man:  'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say:  'Rise, take up your mat and walk?'  But now you shall know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.'
And HE said to the paralytic, 'Stand up, take up your mat and go home.'  The man rose and, in the sight of all those people, he took up his mat and went out.  All of them were astonished and praised GOD saying, 'We have never seen anything like this!" - Mark 2:1-12   
(With this miracle on the paralytic cured and forgiven, JESUS gives three answers at the same time:  to the sick man, to his friends and to the Pharisees.

When JESUS saw the faith of these people.  These are the friends of the paralytic, and JESUS rewards their faith.

Apparently, the paralytic did nothing more than consent to their advice.  At once, JESUS tells him - your sins are forgiven.  What a strange thing to say!  How can JESUS forgive sins if the man is not conscious of any fault and, at the same time, repentant and awaiting forgiveness?  Certainly, during his long infirmity, this man had asked himself why GOD was punishing him [the people of his time believed sickness was a punishment from GOD].  Many texts of the Old Testament emphasize the complex connection between sin and illness.  It is often illness that makes us conscious of our state of sinfulness, and for HIS part JESUS does not want to heal unless there is reconciliation with GOD.

JESUS acts like GOD:  HE looked at the sinner, rectified the complexes of culpability and pardoned before healing.

Later the Pharisees arrive.  When JESUS forgave the paralytic, the simple people did not realize how scandalous HIS words were.  They did not have enough religious formation to realize immediately that only GOD could give absolution.  It was the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who were scandalized.  Their indignation is justified because neither they, nor the others, nor the disciples, yet understand that JESUS is the true Son of GOD.  JESUS silences them:  If I restore health in the same way GOD does, should not I also forgive in the way GOD does?

JESUS disconcerts those who ask who HE is.  Better still, HE shows that only HE can save the whole person, body and soul.

Happy this man who was assured of HIS pardon through the glance and the words of JESUS!  GOD is HE who lives and loves and we need to meet HIM so that forgiveness can be authentic - HIS eyes meeting our eyes.  Because of this, GOD had to become human - JESUS forgives sins because HE is a son of man and from HIM, we receive the pardon both of GOD and of people within the Christian community.)  

The Marginalized

"A leper came to JESUS and begged HIM, 'If YOU want to, YOU can make me clean.'  Moved with pity, JESUS stretched out HIS hand and touched him, saying, 'I do want to; be clean.'  The leprosy left the man at once and he was made clean.  As JESUS sent the man away, HE sternly warned him, 'Don't tell anyone about this, but go and show yourself to the priest; and for the cleansing, bring the offering ordered by Moses; in this way, you will give to them your testimony.'
However, as soon as the man went out, he began spreading the news everywhere, so that JESUS could no longer openly enter any town.  But even though HE stayed in the rural areas, people came to HIM from everywhere." - Mark 1:40-45  
(JESUS leaves Capernaum to announce the Good News to the most isolated and ignored families in the whole country.  There HE finds the lepers.  At that time leprosy was considered as a contagious disease.  Because of this, lepers had to live on the outskirts of the towns, far from the rest of the population.  There was also a belief that leprosy was an affliction from GOD, and the Jewish religion declared lepers unclean.

By JESUS act, the flesh of the leper becomes clean.  As a result of this, from that time on, he would be like others and people would no longer avoid him.  Both people and the law of GOD would acknowledge his dignity.

The Good News does not remain mere words, but it effects a change.  From then on, they would no longer be marginalized people.

Don't tell anyone.  Very often, particularly in the Gospel of Mark, JESUS gives this order to those who have just been cured of an evil.  We must note, however, that JESUS does not give this order when HE is outside Israel territory; and that the order is not given after the transfiguration.

JESUS imposed this silence during the first part of HIS public life because most of the people expected a warlike and vengeful Messiah.  JESUS did not want any ambiguity about HIS mission.  Only when JESUS had sufficiently distanced HIMSELF from this popular image of the Messiah, would HE begin to reveal, first to HIS disciples, the mystery of HIS person.

For this same reason Mark, who differs from Matthew, rarely uses the expression "Son of GOD."  Mark reserves it for the privileged moments of JESUS' revelation to people: HIS baptism and transfiguration, and at the conclusion of the passion on the lips of the centurion.)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

JESUS Heals Many

"On leaving the synagogue, JESUS went to the home of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.  As Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever, they immediately told HIM about her.  JESUS went to her and taking her by hand, raised her up.  The fever left her, and she began to wait on them.
That evening, at sundown, people brought to JESUS all the sick and those who had evil spirits: the whole town was pressing around the door.  JESUS healed many who had various diseases and drop out many demons; but HE did not let them speak, for they knew who HE was.
Very early in the morning, before daylight, JESUS went off to a lonely place where HE prayed.  Simon and the others went out also, searching for HIM; and when they found HIM, they said, 'Everyone is looking for YOU.'  Then JESUS answered, 'Let us go to the nearby villages so that I may preach there too; for that is why I came.'
So JESUS set out to preach in all the synagogues throughout Galilee; HE also cast out demons." - Mark 1:29-39  
(Peter's simple faith is manifested.  JESUS enters the house, bringing with HIM peace and health.  JESUS shows us how to visit the sick.  What a natural thing to do when Mass ends--to go see the sick.  The care and love of our Christian sisters and brothers attracts GOD's favors upon them.

That evening at sundown.  Let us not forget that it is the Sabbath, the weekly day of rest.  For the Jews days are counted from the time of sunset and night precedes day as shown in Genesis 1:5. Everyone observes the Sabbath, just as JESUS does and there is such haste to bring the sick to HIM that they begin to do so in the evening as soon as the Sabbath is over.

The apostles knew GOD since childhood through the Scripture's teachings; perhaps they had not discovered GOD within their own lives but prayed to GOD as to a distant stranger.  When they joined JESUS, they immediately understood that there was something extraordinary about HIM.  They were especially taken with HIS apparent intimacy with GOD.  The most extraordinary thing they noted in HIS manner and actions was HIS intimate and faithful union with HIS FATHER.

Living with JESUS, they begin to desire to know the FATHER more fully, something like JESUS knows HIM [Luke 11:1; John 14:8; 15:15].)


Monday, January 13, 2025

"In Truth, I Tell You."

"JESUS went down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee, and began teaching the people at the Sabbath meetings.  They were astonished at the way HE taught them, for HIS word was spoken with authority.
In the synagogue, there was a man possessed by an evil spirit, who shouted in a loud voice, 'What do YOU want with us, JESUS of Nazareth?  Have YOU come to destroy us?  I recognize YOU: YOU are the Holy One of GOD.'  Then JESUS said to him sharply, 'Be silent and leave this man!'  The evil spirit then threw the man down in front of them and came out of him without doing him harm.
Amazement seized all these people, and they said to one another, 'What does this mean?  HE commands the evil spirits with authority and power.  HE orders, and you see how they come out!'  And news about JESUS spread throughout the surrounding area." - Luke 4:31-37  
(Mark has shown us how JESUS began HIS public life: HE became part of a movement of conversion that had shaken everyone at the call of John the Baptist.  It was then that JESUS began preaching and met HIS first disciples.

Mark will now give us a "day" in the life of JESUS.  Through HIS words and actions, a power that impresses every witness becomes manifest.  At the beginning of HIS ministry, JESUS preaches in the synagogues.  The synagogue is the Jewish house of prayer.  People gather each Saturday for the chanting of the Psalms and the reading of the Scriptures.  The one in charge preaches and invites others to join.  This is where JESUS reveals HIMSELF.  HE is not like the teachers of the law who repeat, interpret, and give others' opinions.  JESUS speaks on HIS own and HE speaks with authority, "In truth, I tell you."

With the same authority JESUS drives out demons.  This act also contains a message: JESUS delivers us from the influence of the Devil, who strives to destroy those created in the likeness of GOD.

This "Master of the world" [John 14:30] is present in all human business and culture to deceive human purposes and converts any progress into new slavery.)


Sunday, January 12, 2025

JESUS Calls HIS First Disciples

"After John was arrested, JESUS went into Galilee and began preaching the Good News of GOD.  HE said, 'The time has come; the kingdom of GOD is at hand.  Change your ways and believe the Good News.'

As JESUS was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, HE saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.  And JESUS said to them, 'Follow ME, and I will make you fish for people.'  At once, they abandoned their nets and followed HIM.  JESUS went a little farther on, and saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee; they were in their boat mending their nets.  Immediately, JESUS called them, and they followed HIM, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men." - Mark 1:14-20  

(After this desert experience, JESUS returns to HIS home province, Galilee, and establishes HIMSELF in Capernaum.  JESUS lives in the house of Simon, who already appears to be the leader of a group of fishermen, and among them JESUS finds HIS disciples.

 GOD becomes human, JESUS shares the life of the people of HIS time, and like the prophets HE teaches by what HE says and does.

The time has come.  What does that mean?  The time fixed by GOD has come to an end [Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10], the time of preparation has ended, and the manifestation of GOD announced by the prophets has already begun.

Change your ways and believe the Good News.  GOD does not expect works on the part of human beings but calls them to faith.  Be rid of all that hampers you, of all that prevents you from seeing and believe!  Believe that it is HE, and HE alone who is able to save you!

At once, they abandoned their nets and followed HIM, which means leaving their family and work they began to live with HIM.  Like the masters of religion in HIS time, like the rabbis, JESUS instructed HIS first disciples, teaching them what they were to pass on to others in the Church.

Simon, Andrew, James and John.  JESUS already knew them: HE had met them where John the Baptist was preaching [John 1:35].  The first nucleus of disciples is this natural group of lake fishermen of which Peter seemed to be the leader.  They were most probably young men, ready to make a commitment at a time and in a culture where people were freer than we are from the constraints of work.

They did not yet know what the Reign of GOD would mean but they trusted JESUS to guide them.  This for them was the beginning of faith.)


JESUS Baptized By John

"At that time, JESUS arrived from Galilee and came to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him.  But John tried to prevent HIM, and said, 'How is it, YOU come to me?  I should be baptized by YOU!'
But JESUS answered him, 'Let it be like that for now; so that we may fulfill the right order.'  John agreed.
As soon as HE was baptized, JESUS came up out of the water.  All at once, the heavens opened and HE saw the Spirit of GOD come down, like a dove, and rest upon HIM.  At the same time, a voice from heaven was heard, 'This is MY Son, the Beloved; HE is MY Chosen One.'" - Matthew 3:13-17 

(In this baptism JESUS identifies HIMSELF with HIS people, more precisely with this world of "untitled" people who went to hear a call to conversion.  For HIM it is an occasion of deep religious experience recalling that of the great prophets.  What the voice says gives JESUS HIS mission.  HE will be Son and Servant of the FATHER [Psalm 2 and Isaiah 42:1].)


Saturday, January 11, 2025

It Is Necessary That HE Increase But That I Decrease

"After this, JESUS went into the territory of Judea with HIS disciples.  HE stayed there with them and baptized.  John was also baptizing in Aenon, near Salim, where water was plentiful; people came to HIM and were baptized.  This happened before John was put in prison.

Now John's disciples had been questioned by a Jew about spiritual cleansing, so they came to John and said, 'Rabbi, the one who was with you across the Jordan, and about whom you spoke favorably, is now baptizing, and all are going to HIM.'

John answered, 'No one can receive anything, except what has been given to HIM from heaven.  You yourselves are my witnesses that I said, 'I am not the CHRIST, but I have been sent before HIM.'  Only the bridegroom has the bride; but the friend of the bridegroom stands by and listens and rejoices to hear the bridegroom's voice.  My joy is now full.  It is necessary that HE increase, but that I decrease." - John 3:22-30 

(The Gospel admits that many disciples of John the Baptist did not recognize JESUS.  They had been drawn by their teacher's example: He was intense and outspoken, hard on himself in food, drink and clothing.  Somehow, they had the hope, maybe because of John the Baptist's manner, that GOD's true justice would come and bring about direct punishment of the wicked.  Like militant followers of whatever good cause, John's disciples had this weakness: they were too focused on their own leaders and ways to consider other possibilities.  To become CHRIST's disciples, they would have to give up their own prophets.

It is necessary that HE increase but that I decrease, said the greatest of the prophets.  Only JESUS comes from On High and can fully satisfy the human heart.  In HIM nothing of the good is lost, since HE embodies all.)


Friday, January 10, 2025

Cure Of A Leper

"One day, in another town, a man came to JESUS covered with leprosy.  On seeing JESUS, the man bowed down to the ground, and said, 'LORD, if YOU want to, YOU can make me clean.'
Stretching out HIS hand, JESUS touched the man and said, 'Yes, I want to.  Be clean.'  In an instant, the leprosy left him.  Then JESUS instructed him, 'Tell this to no one.  But go, and show yourself to the priest.  Make an offering for your healing, as Moses prescribed; that will serve as evidence for them.'
But the news about JESUS spread all the more; and large crowds came to HIM, to listen and to be healed of their sickness.  As for JESUS, HE would often withdraw to solitary places and pray." - Luke 5:12-16  
(Make an offering for your healing.  The same law that demanded that a leper be isolated [Leviticus 13:45], provided that if the leper was healed, he could, after examination by the priests be reintegrated into the community.  Because leprosy was seen as GOD's punishment, healing meant that GOD had forgiven the sinner who was to express his gratitude with a sacrifice.

HE would often withdraw to solitary places and pray.  Luke mentions JESUS' prayer several times [3:21; 6:12; 9:28...]  JESUS did not withdraw only to be still, but because, on each occasion, prayer was a necessity for HIM.)


Wednesday, January 08, 2025

The Bronze Serpent

"From Mount Hor they set out by the Red Sea Road to go around the land of Edom.  The people were discouraged by the journey and began to complain against GOD and Moses.  'Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?  There is neither bread nor water here and we are disgusted with this tasteless manna.'
YAHWEH then sent fiery serpents against them.  They bit the people and many of the Israelites died.  Then the people came to Moses and said, 'We have sinned, speaking against YAHWEH and against you.  Plead with YAHWEH to take the serpents away.'
Moses pleaded for the people and YAHWEH said to him, 'Make a fiery serpent and set it on a standard; whoever has been bitten and then looks at it shall live.'
So, Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a standard.  Whenever a man was bitten, he looked towards the bronze serpent, and he lived." - Numbers 21:4-9 
(With regard to the bronze serpent, two quite different questions may be asked.  The first: what is the historical origin of this account?  An easy answer: near the Sinai mines a healing god was honored and little bronze serpents were offered in thanksgiving.  The stories of travelers must have inspired the narrative.  But the important question is the second: what does this page of the holy book intend to say?

The people complained.  The Israelites complain again: this is the inner rebellion of those who do not accept sacrifices and will not exert themselves in order to become better and who would rather blame others.

Make a bronze serpent.  A strange command to the Israelites, but the bronze serpent will be a prophetic sign: GOD intends to cure the sin with the very instrument of the sin.

Whoever looks at it shall live: another prophetic statement.  Sinners will not have to follow strict prescriptions: let them merely look with faith at the sign GOD sends for their healing.  JESUS will say: "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up [on the cross] so that he who believes in HIM will have eternal life" [John 3:14].

The story of the serpent is one of those biblical images with a hidden meaning, and people had to wait for the day when CHRIST would give them meaning.  The same is true of the story of Melchizedek [Genesis 14] and the story of Joseph.

The same is true in our own lives; in our past there have been some incidents which we did not understand at that time.  Why did this happen to me?   Someday, the light of CHRIST will reveal the meaning.)