Thursday, August 04, 2022

JESUS Predicts HIS Death

 "From that day, JESUS began to make it clear to HIS disciples that HE must go to Jerusalem; that HE would suffer many things from the Jewish authorities, the chief priests and the teachers of the law; and that HE would be killed and be raised on the third day.

Then Peter took HIM aside and began to reproach HIM, 'Never, LORD!  No, this must never happen to YOU!'  But HE turned and said to Peter, 'Get behind ME, Satan!  You are an obstacle in MY path.  You are thinking not as GOD does, but as people do.'" - Matthew 16:21-23 

(Get behind ME, Satan...  When Peter stands in front of JESUS to block the way to the cross, JESUS recognizes in his words the same spirit that tempted HIM in the desert.  JESUS calls him Satan, meaning tempter.  Let Peter get behind JESUS and follow HIM as is proper for a disciple.)


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