Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Call To Praise And Worship

 "Come, let us sing to YAHWEH,
let us make a joyful sound
to the Rock of our salvation.

Let us come before HIM giving thanks,
with music and songs of praise.
For YAHWEH is the great GOD,
the great King above all gods.

In HIS hand, are the depths of the earth
and the mountain heights.
The sea is HIS, for HE made it,
and HIS hand shaped the dry land."
- Psalm 95:1-2. 2-3. 4-5

(GOD claimed a double kingship over Israel.  She had been created and she had been chosen.  Here, she is invited to celebrate both creation and choice.  But she is warned, too.  The flock divinely led from Egypt had disputed with Moses and tested GOD's patience by its complaints.  We may still thwart the grace of our call--it does not inevitably blossom into the glory of final choice.  Our calling is much higher than Israel's.  From the people's point of view, our election, what we call perseverance, is more sublime.  Not Moses but JESUS, is our leader now, and the 'rest' HE would take us to is not Palestine but a land which the meek inherit, a rest which is the eternal Sabbath of GOD [Hebrews 4:10].  Pray to hear not 'Never shall they enter!' but 'Come, you blessed!')

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