Monday, July 18, 2022

"Whoever Does The Will Of MY FATHER In Heaven Is MY Brother And Sister And Mother."

 "While JESUS was talking to the people, HIS mother and HIS brothers wanted to speak to HIM, and they waited outside.  So someone said to HIM, 'YOUR mother and YOUR brothers are standing outside; they want to speak with YOU.'

JESUS answered, 'Who is MY mother?  Who are MY brothers?  Then HE pointed to HIS disciples and said, 'Look!  Here are MY mother and MY brothers.  Whoever does the will of MY FATHER in heaven is MY brother and sister and mother.'" - Matthew 12:46-50 

(HIS mother and HIS brothers.  If they were true brothers of JESUS, sons of Mary, the Gospel would say: "HIS mother and the sons of HIS mother," for this was the Jewish manner of speaking.)


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