Sunday, July 10, 2022

Those Who Love GOD And Hate Their Brothers And Sisters Are Liars And Atheists

 "Not for your sacrifices do I reprove you,
for your burnt offerings are ever before me.
I need no bull from your stalls,
nor he-goat from your pens.

But GOD says this to the wicked:
'What right have you to mouth MY laws,
or to talk about MY Covenant?
You hate MY commands
and cast MY words behind you.

Because I was silent while you did these things,
you thought I was like you.
But now I rebuke you
and make this charge against you.

Those who give with thanks, offerings, honor ME;
but the one who walks blamelessly,
I will show him the salvation of GOD.'"
- Psalm 50:8-9. 16-17. 21. 23

(GOD is coming to judge HIS people.  HE condemns those who replace the obedience of the heart, with offerings and material sacrifices, and those who recite the commandments, instead of practicing them.

Those who love GOD and hate their brothers and sisters are liars [1 John 4:20] and atheists.  While we pray this psalm, we can listen to the following question: "You do this, and I must be quiet?  Do you think I AM like you?"  May these questions resound in us and let us honor GOD with a sacrifice of praise, made fitting by a good relationship with our neighbor.)

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