Monday, July 11, 2022

The Invincible City Of GOD

 "Great is YAHWEH,
most worthy of praise in the City of GOD,
HIS holy mountain.
Beautifully elevated, it is the joy of all the earth
--Mount Zion, heavenly mountain,
the City of the great King.
Here, within her lines of defense,
GOD has shown HIMSELF to be a sure fortress.

The kings assembled together,
advanced toward the city.
But as soon as they saw it, they were astounded;
they panicked and took to fight.
Seized with fear, they trembled,
like a woman in travail,
or like the ships of Tarshish,
shattered by a strong wind from the east."
- Psalm 48:2-3. 3-4. 5-6. 7-8

(The pagans may speak of the mountains of the terrifying and inaccessible gods, but the small hill of Zion is dignified by the presence of the one GOD.  It is a homely place.  For all its insignificance, it can look down on every high place on earth [Psalm 68:17].  There is a strong sense of national pride in this psalm.  The assertions of innocence is softened by the free acknowledgment that all comes from GOD,  It is accompanied, too, by a full acceptance of moral responsibility.  The Temple is the place to ponder GOD's love for HIS people, but it is here also, that  HIS commands must be joyfully received.

What are the places of the presence of GOD?  The outskirts of the city?  Refugee camps?  Sick or maimed bodies?  We need to tell the next generation where our GOD is.  GOD is our Guide.  So, no matter how complex our lives become, we have no need to fear.  For, GOD will guide us through to our destination.)

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