Sunday, July 10, 2022

MY Word Is Very Near You So That You Can Put It Into Practice

 "For you shall turn to YAHWEH, your GOD, with all your heart and with all your soul, and observe HIS commandments and norms, in a word, everything written in this book of the law.

These commandments that I give you today are neither too high nor too remote for you.  They are not in heaven that you should say: 'Who will go up to heaven to get these commandments that we may hear them and put them into practice.'  Neither are they at the other side of the sea for you to say: 'Who will cross to the other side and bring them to us, that we may hear them and put them into practice.'

On the contrary, MY word is very near you; it is already in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can put it into practice." - Deuteronomy 30:10-14 

(These commandments are neither too high nor too remote for you: obedience to the will of GOD is the most natural way for those who are sincere.  MY word is very near you so that you can put it into practice; yet, no one will do so until he has received the "circumcision of the heart."

YAHWEH will circumcise your heart, that is, HE will make you pure and holy.  See Ezekiel 36:26-27.

Few pages in the Scriptures emphasize so much and in such a persuasive way, the love of the LORD, a jealous love coming from HIS desire to make us happy: YAHWEH your GOD will circumcise your heart so that you may love HIM and live happily.  YAHWEH will again be pleased to treat you well.

It is already in your mouth.  This means: You know it by heart.)


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