Sunday, July 17, 2022

Keeping These Commandments Without The Perfume Of Love Is Just Mechanical Fulfillment

 "O YAHWEH, who will dwell in YOUR tent
and reside on YOUR holy mount?
Those who walk blamelessly
and do what is right,
who speak truth from their heart
and control their words,
who do no harm to their neighbors
and cast no discredit on their companions,
who look down on evildoers
but highly esteem GOD's servants;
who, at all costs, stand by a pledged word,
who do not lend money at interest
and refuse a bribe against the innocent.
Do this, and you will not be shaken."
- Psalm 15:1-5

(Beyond the image of the Temple, the believer pines to be with GOD, to be one with GOD.  Those who harbor this passionate desire, expressed as a question must be honest, sincere and upright.  These are the three general conditions.  The following three conditions are related to the conduct toward one's neighbor.  Those who wish to be with GOD, must be on the side of the friends of GOD, against the enemies of GOD who have been rebuked by GOD--and respect the covenant that consecrates the promised action.  These three actions join GOD and neighbor together.  Two other actions have an economic-legal reach.  Keeping these commandments without the perfume of love is just mechanical fulfillment.)

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