Tuesday, July 26, 2022

"It Is During The Night That It Is Beautiful To Believe In The Light."

 "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure, hidden in a field.  The one who finds it, buries it again; and so happy is he, that he goes and sells everything he has, in order to buy that field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader, who is looking for fine pearls.  Once he has found a pearl of exceptional quality, he goes away, sells everything he has and buys it." - Matthew 13:44-46 

(The parables of the treasure and the pearl invite us not to let opportunities pass by, when the kingdom of GOD comes to us.

Some have been waiting for years for that word, or person or sign of hope that would give new meaning to their lives.  One day they found it.  Sometimes it was found through simple things: a forgiving word, a friendly smile, a first commitment offered to them and accepted.  Then they understood that this was the way to gain all they were waiting for, and they entered the kingdom happily.

The parable says: he buries it again.  Ordinarily it is GOD who hides the treasure again after having shown it to us, for it will be really ours when we have worked for it and persevered.

Everything must be sold.  We have to divest ourselves of all those habits, pleasures... that occupy our hearts without filling them.  When trials come upon us like a frosty, icy night, we should not forget the treasure we have once seen, until we recover it.  Plato, the great pagan philosopher, said, "It is during the night that it is beautiful to believe in the light."

"The pearl" is, in a certain sense, CHRIST HIMSELF.  HE alone gives meaning to all the sacrifices of a Christian life.  These are not really 'sacrifices," but the search for a love that has already been proven.)


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