Tuesday, July 12, 2022

GOD, The Judge And Vindicator

 "They crush YOUR people, O YAHWEH, they oppress YOUR inheritance.
They murder the widow and the lonely; they massacre the helpless;
'YAHWEH does not see,' they say. 'the GOD of Jacob does not care.'
Remember this, you stupid people; when will you understand, you fools!
HE who made the ear, will HE not hear?  HE who formed the eye, will HE not see?
HE who rebukes nations, will HE not punish them?
YAHWEH will not reject HIS people, nor will HE forsake HIS heritage.
Justice will return to the just; and the upright will follow, in its wake."
- Psalm 94:5-6. 7-8. 9-10. 14-15

(We must sometimes ask ourselves 'is it all worthwhile?'  Religion doesn't seem to make much difference, certainly doesn't seem to make us any happier.  But in spite of all difficulties, we know that GOD does care.  HE has redeemed us.  And if we believe in redemption, then, we must believe in judgment.  HE cares for us, and HE cares about us:  what people do does matter.  But the difficulties are still there, and we need this vehement act of faith in GOD who cares.)

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