Wednesday, July 27, 2022

GOD Is Absolute Master And Directs The Lives Of All According To HIS Will

 "This is the word of YAHWEH that came to Jeremiah: 'Go down to the potter's house and there you will hear what I have to say.'

So I went to the potter's house and found him working at the wheel.  But the pot he was working on was spoiled in his hands, so he reworked it all over again into another pot that suits his desire.

Meanwhile YAHWEH sent me HIS word, 'People of Israel, can I not do with you what this potter does?  As clay in the potter's hand so are you in MY hands.'" - Jeremiah 18:1-6 

(In several parts of the Scriptures, the comparison with the potter serves to show that GOD is absolute master and directs the lives of all according to HIS will: individuals as well as nations [see Isaiah 29:16 and Romans 9:20].  Here the same comparison is used to provide another teaching which complements the first: namely that we are free.)


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