Thursday, July 07, 2022

Each Of Our Confessions Is A Joyful Celebration Of GOD's Mercy And A Source Of Renewal

 "Have mercy on me, O GOD, in YOUR love.
In YOUR great compassion blot out my sin.
Wash me thoroughly of my guilt;
cleanse me of evil.

I know YOU desire truth in the heart;
teach me wisdom in my inmost being.
Cleanse me, with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
wash me, I shall be whiter than snow.

Create in me, O GOD, a pure heart;
give me a new and steadfast spirit.
Do not cast me out of YOUR presence
nor take YOUR holy spirit from me.

Give me again, the joy of YOUR salvation;
and sustain me, with a willing spirit.

O YAHWEH, open my lips,
and I will declare YOUR praise."
- Psalm 51:3-4. 8-9. 12-13. 14. 17

(This is the finest of the 'penitential psalms.'  Man stands guilty and unafraid before GOD.  Indeed, he sees his guilt, as a reason for mercy and an excuse for hope.  A deep sense of sin is already a step toward the sanctity of GOD.  It opens the door for HIS eager mercy.  But Our LORD takes us even further than the psalmist.  HE teaches us to cry not 'GOD!' but 'FATHER!'  HE bids us think of that father, who ran to meet the son who had left him, the father who took the son in his arms and kissed him: 'My son was lost and is found' [Luke 15:24].  Our trust in the FATHER's forgiveness generously given should exceed that of the psalmist.

It is good to pray with this psalm, when we feel overwhelmed by our guilt, be it against GOD or against our brothers and sisters, and we seek the goodness of GOD, who justifies us.

When we receive the sacrament of reconciliation, we meet JESUS HIMSELF, the Savior who intercedes, and the FATHER who pardons.  Each of our confessions is a joyful celebration of GOD's mercy and a source of renewal.)

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