Thursday, July 14, 2022

Canticle Of Hezekiah

 "Once I said: In the noontime of my life I go;
I am sent to the land of the dead,
for the rest of my years.
I said: Never again shall I see YAHWEH 
in the land of the living;
never again shall I see the inhabitants of the earth.

Like a shepherd's tent, my dwelling 
has been pulled down and thrown away;
like a weaver, you rolled up my life
and cut it from the loom:
from day to night you made me waste away.
O LORD, give me back my health 
and give me back my life!"
- Isaiah 38:10. 11. 12. 16

(Hezekiah's canticle is a psalm of thanksgiving like those we find in the Book of Psalms.  It expresses the profound feelings of the believers of the Old Testament for whom dying meant losing everything and who tried to convince GOD that HE would gain nothing in letting HIS faithful disappear forever.)

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