Sunday, July 03, 2022

A Child Raised To Life

 "While JESUS was speaking to them, an official of the synagogue came up to HIM, bowed before HIM and said, 'My daughter has just died, but come and place YOUR hands on her, and she will live.'  JESUS stood up and followed him with HIS disciples.

When JESUS arrived at the official's house and saw the flute players and the excited crowd, HE said, 'Get out of here!  The girl is not dead.  She is only sleeping!'  And they laughed at HIM.  But once the crowd had been turned out, JESUS went in and took the girl by the hand, and she stood up.  The news of this spread through the whole area." - Matthew 9:18-19. 23-26 

(Here JESUS is confronted with the death of a girl who is called to live.  Jairus was an official of the synagogue, that is to say, one of those holding responsibility in the local Jewish community.

We too ask GOD to be healed, but we dare not ask for resurrection of the dead because we consider death as something absolutely irreversible.  JESUS wishes to show us that no "law of destiny" or nature can be an obstacle to GOD's love.

The child is not dead, but asleep.  Of course she is dead, and that is why the people mock HIM; but JEUS sends the noisy crowd outside, and takes with HIM the child's father and mother.  They are capable of understanding for they have come to HIM in a spirit of faith.)


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